Diode Editions 2022 Chapbook Contest Finalist
Happy to be a finalist. And I might have other news about this collection in the near future…
The Main Street Rag review of the Colored page
I am proud to have a new review of the Colored page in the Fall 2022 edition of The Main Street Rag.
"Lightning Round" Interview with Wellesley Books
From our event on October 7th, 2022: Matthew E. Henry, author of "the Colored page", answers some quick questions.
Interview about the Colored page
My school newspaper wrote about my my collection the Colored page.
Read it here.
Best of the Net nomination
I am pleased to announce my poem “solidarity” received a Best of Net nomination from the museum of americana!
"when she asks me about courage" published at Lover's Eye Press
Honestly, I really just need to stop writing “love” poems. It only ends with me in trouble with someone for some reason or another no matter what the actual content or context.
But until that happens, I am pleased to announce that my poem “when she asks me about courage” has found a home at Lover’s Eye Press.
It’s from chapbook with a limited run: two copies.
Feature at Kingdom Poets
It includes my theological sonnet [Say God is the Tough in the Prison Yard] which first appeared in New York Quarterly, and will appear in my forthcoming full length collection The Third Renunciation.
Three sonnets in The Anglican Theological Review
The Anglican Theological Review was among the first publications to take a chance on my work a decade ago when I was still finding my voice. Back then they took one of my poems.
Thus, I am surprised and ecstatic to have three of my theological sonnet in issue the Summer 2022 Edition, Grab a copy of ATR Volume 104 Number 3 to read
[Say a slave triptych composes the heart],
[Say on such legs that were left me—a heart], &
[Say Jesus has been saving a bottle ].
A Fevers of the Mind Quick-9 Interview with Matthew E. Henry
[Say prayer is just a fire alarm] in The Windhover
I'm proud to be published, once again, in The Windhover. This time it’s my theological sonnet [Say prayer is just a fire alar] in the issue 26.2.
Two school poems in Pangyrus Literary Magazine
Two new school poems—
“what i learned during Black History Month” by billy, age 8 (or 18)"
"an open letter to the student who will be convicted of rape in the next 3-5 years”—
are now live up at Pangyrus Literary Magazine. Give them a read.
This publication also provides short blurbs from me on the origins of both poems.
Three poems at Pidgeonholes
In recent news, three of my poems—
"you keep using that word...”: excerpts from her freshman essays,
when asked why being Antiracist is so hard for some people, and
an open letter to the neo nazi riding through rush hour traffic— have been published at Pidgeonholes.
Click on the photo above to read them (or go here)
Best of the Net nomination
My weird little sonnet, “just in case,” was nominated for a Best of the Net award by 3Elements Literary Review.
The irony: it’s one of the only “happy” (read: not trauma-driven) poems I’ve written in a long time, but the intended audience was not a fan.
Read it here
Art Seeking Change: A Virtual Discussion and Poetry Reading
A poetry reading and art display hosted by Kew & Willow Books on Thursday, August 25, 2022. I was pleased to be “on stage” with Raegan Pietrucha (reading from Head of a Gorgon) and artist Jackie Liu.
New position at Pidgeonholes
I am happy to be joining the team over at Pidgeonholes as an Associate Poetry Editor!
Divorce poem in Pandemic Love and Other Affinities
Probably surprising to most (for a variety of reasons) I’ve only written one divorce poem. Of course it’s a sonnet.
“split screen” is included in Pandemic Love and Other Affinities, an Ice Floe Press anthology.