
Two poems in Lily Poetry Review

I am very proud that two of my ekphrastic poems were published in the latest issue of Lily Poetry Review , guest edited by Anthony Walton and Heather Treseler.

"The Most Dangerous Game" is after a poem by Candice Kelsey (and the short story) of the same name

La Voix du Silence" is after a painting by Rene Magritte of the same name.

“when asked what it’s like being a poet” in Whale Road Review & Nominated for a Pushcart

My poem “when asked what it’s like being a poet” is is based on one of my favorite poems to teach, “The Art of Disappearing” by Naomi Shihab Nye. It is published in the latest issue of Whale Road Review, and have been nominated for a Pushcart Prize!

"Explaining 'the patron saint of suicide'" published in Nixes Mate

My creative nonfiction piece “Explaining ‘the patron saint of suicide’” was published in Nixes Mate Review.

As the title suggests, this is an essay that braids the stories of

  1. writing the poem “the patron saint of suicide” (originally published in Cola Literary Review, but also appearing in said the Frog to the scorpion),

  2. how well I disassociate while doing poetry readings, and

  3. a night when I didn’t disassociate while reading “the patron saint of suicide.”

"Perspective" published in After the Art

I wrote a poem entitled “notice five things” (which is currently a finalist for the 2024 Beals Prize for Poetry (more on that later) based on my visits to art museums while composing a manuscript in progress. I also wrote a creative nonfiction version of the events (sort of, kind of), which was just published in After the Art.

“Perspective” is now out in the world.

Award (almost) announcements

Two close but no cigar announcements:


Selections from Selling the World (my ekphrastic manuscript in progress") was longlisted for the Kinsman Avenue Publishing African Diaspora Award. My poems Adoration of the Magi,” “Bust of Akhenaten,” “homegoing,” “The Moorish Chief,” & “Quilt” will all published in a forthcoming anthology.


The Third Renunciation was a finalist for the New England Poetry Club Sheila Margaret Motton Book Prize. This is the second time I’ve been a finalist for this prize.

“memo from the principal of Antonin Scalia High School, Charity, Ok RE: amended Course of Study for the 2024-2025 academic year,” in The New Verse News 

I don’t flex my academic accomplishments, but it’s relevant to understand where this poem comes from.

  • BA in English and Secondary Education (double major), with a minor in Philosophy

  • Master of Fine Arts in Poetry

  • Master of Theological Studies in Hebrew Bible and Theology and the Arts

  • PhD in Educational Leadership, dissertation focused on the history of how the Religion Clauses of the First Amendment are/aren’t taught to pre-service teachers and apply to public school settings

That said, I how could I not write a poem about the biblical nonsense happening in Oklahoma right now?

“memo from the principal of Antonin Scalia High School, Charity, Ok RE: amended Course of Study for the 2024-2025 academic year”  was just published in The New Verse News.

Be sure to check the footnotes at the bottom of the poem…

"across the table" published in Rituals

My weird, astronomical, fantasy, love poem “across the table” was published in Rituals (2024) from Anomaly Poetry. You can read/download the entire issue here, or purchase a print copy here.

"the Blue Envelope Program" published in The New Verse News

I don’t watch or read the news as much as I should. Probably because this is my mind goes when I do. That said, my poem “the Blue Envelope Program” was just published by The New Verse News

Guest Post for AGFCG Card Talk Series

I have a guest blog post for A Game for Good Christians’ Card Talk series entitled “God Planning Your Pain to Make A Point.” It employs one of my theological sonnets that appears in The Third Renunciation.

I previously had the privilege of editing AGFGC’s literary anthology This Present Former Glory: An Anthology of Honest Spiritual Literature.

If you don’t know A Game for Good Christians, imagine what you get if you crossed Cards Against Humanity with the Bible.

Book launch reading of said the Frog to the scorpion

The book launch of said the Frog to the scorpion (Harbor Editions, 2024) was a special event.

I was honored to have Kai Coggin and Maya Williams read their amazing poetry as a part of the night. You can watch the recording through the link below.

Two poems in Vita Poetica Journal

I am working on a series of poems I am calling midrash qatan, or “a little story/exposition.” They are expositions, retellings, and reimagings of stories from the Hebrew Bible and Christian New Testament. The name pays homage to Rabbinic genre of Midrash Rabbah  (“a great midrash”).

Two of these poems have just been published in Vita Poetica Journal:

“found” (a midrash qatan on Luke 15)


“subtlety: an assay” (a midrash qatan on Genesis 3)

Both pages include an audio recording of me reading these poems.