Poem Nominated for a Pushcart Prize

I’m pleased to announce that Porcupine Literary nominated my poem “an open letter to the secretary who asked how i haven’t taken to drink or schedule 1 narcotics like so many of our colleagues” for the Pushcart Prize.

Maybe this is the time the powers that be will move me from a nominate to a recipient. But I’m honored nonetheless.

"an open letter to a classmate on a conversation we never had" published in Twyckenham Notes

My poem "an open letter to a classmate on a conversation we never had" was just published in Twyckenham Notes’ Voice’s of Color issue.

This is one of my school poems, except this time, I’m a much (much) older student.

And if you realize the poem is about you…oh well.

This Present Former Glory: An Anthology of Honest Spiritual Literature [Editor]

When you’re asked to edit an anthology of creative writing by atheists, clergy, and people everywhere in between you can’t say no. At least I can’t. I am thrilled and humbled by how this all came together.

45 stupid talented writers tackled the deepest and most abiding questions about wrestling with their conceptions of divinity and spirituality in the midst of systematic racism, church camps, sexism, babies, a pandemic, slavery, callings into ministry, abusive parents, divorces, holding hands with the dying, sweeping glass after a riot, and sitting by the ocean, waiting.

This Present Former Glory: An Anthology of Honest Spiritual Literature can be purchased at A Game for Good Christianswebsite for $16.95. And it’s well worth the price.

On How I Ended Up On (Another) Government Watch List...

My poem “an open letter to the school resource officer who almost shot me in my class” has been reprinted in Into the Void’s new anthology We Are Antifa: Expressions Against Fascism, Racism and Police Violence in the United States and Beyond.

Available on Amazon, 100% of the proceeds from this collection goes to Black Lives Matter Toronto.

"The Whitening" - Flash Fiction at The Fiction Pool


“The Whitening” is my first piece of fiction to be published. No surprise that it’s flash.

I’m grateful to the good folk at The Fiction Pool for accepting it, espcaily when I’m still not sure on the genre. Horror? Speculative? An average Tuesday?

And a special shout out to Vincent, who was there when the story began—back when it was supposed to be a joke.

How things have changed.

Teaching While Black Reviewed in The Radical Teacher

An in-depth and insightful review of Teaching While Black was written by Eben Wood for The Radical Teacher (where some of the poems in my collection originally appeared).

Mr. Wood comments on my work through the critical lens of radical pedagogy, including not only my poems in his analysis, but also my choice of epigrams, ordering, and this historical moment.

It’s always humbling to see my work through someone else’s eyes. Click image to read.

"Between the woods and frozen lake..." Creative Nonfiction at Barren Magazine

This story takes its title from Robert Frost’s “Stopping By The Woods On A Snowy Evening” for many, many reasons. It was first written for my kids in class a few years ago, completing a memoir assignment alongside them.

But it was more than that.

I was sharing the burden of vulnerability in writing. An exercise in revealing without revealing. Saying something at a slant, through omission, obscured, knowing only some would see the picture clearly. Knowing that those who did see at first glance were able to because of something shared. Something unspoken, but now brought to light.

Everyone else simply saw an interesting story.

This story is dedicated to those with eyes to see and is now live at Barren Magazine