(Despite formatting and byline issues)
Best of the Net nomination
My poem "Say God is the music we strain to hear" was nominated for a 2019 Best of the Net award!
The poem appears in, and was nominated by the good people at 3Elements Literary Review, where it can be found in Issue 22 .
[Say the polygamous just understand] at Amethyst Review
Amethyst Review has published another one of my sonnets, [Say the polygamous just understand].
Say the polygamists just understand
the spiritual is always public,
never private…
"maybe Jesus forgot to eat His spinach"—a sonnet on theodicy—published in The Windhover
maybe Jesus forgot to eat His spinach
Michael thought the sermon went rather well—
how he without sin should cast the first stone.
later, Bible closed, he wondered…
The Windhover 23.2
Almost two decades of thanks is given to educator, author, speaker, and artist Dr. Thomas Oord for inspiring this poem (and the many others like it). Specifically his latest book God Can’t, which helped crystallize its words.
Two poems accepted for an upcoming anthology
“legacy”— one of my few (read: only) family poems— and “we all have to make sacrifices”— another race & school poem— were both accepted for inclusion in an upcoming anthology entitled Show Us Your Papers, which will be published by Main Street Rag.
Details to follow...
Three poems featured by In Parentheses Magazine
Three (3) of my poems are featured at In Parentheses:
B.A. Van Sise’s photo “Elsewhere #5”
“the other fall” ~ an ekphrastic poem based on B.A. Van Sise’s photo “Elsewhere #5” (with homages to Bruegel, Williams, and Auden)
“Birnam Wood” ~ a “true” story
“show, don't tell” ~ a “truer” story
“Confession found in a Motherhouse” at Amethyst Review
“Confession found in a Motherhouse” has been published by Amethyst Review.
This poem is an ekphrasitic work inspired by Motherhouse, a novel by the wonderful and talented Jeanine Hathaway (whose collection of poetry Long after Lauds was recently released).
Welcome to MEHPoeting.com:
Dedicated to everyone who hoped or feared being a story or sermon illustration.
It was time to start a website.
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That’s about the size of it.